The Bourne Identity (2002)


146 Peers:
85 Torrent Details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2002
Genre: Action, Crime, Mystery
Director: Doug Liman
Starring: Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper
Description: Man taken to a fishing boat, bullet full and without memory, then races to elude assassins and recover from amnesia.
Review: I've grown tired of the typical formula spy film as Bond, or young stunt exhibition Triple H. There was a bare handful of spy films that feature relatively realistic spy thrillers, especially recently with concentrations of spectacular films with less material than cotton candy. Besides The Bourne Identity, Ronin is the only other spy recent movie I can think of that is not part of skydiving, bungie jumping, means downhill skiing while shooting many bad guys, laser pens, cars with eviction seats, or silicone breasts women in particular, you'd be vaguely ashamed to say in front of your mother. Most of the shit that goes for espionage film has a plot or reason for existence, other than to meet the quota of explosions and cleavage in order to summer action movie Bourne crowd.While very deep plot to prepare it is consistent and focused. The focus is entirely on Bourne as he is to deal with no memory of the past, continued without knowing why. Some people have complained about being confused by the film. I for one did not need everything written because in many cases, it smacks of unreality in the first place, the essence of espionage making conclusions from very sketchy information. If you can handle a bit of it, you should probably stick to Disney films and explain TV Scooby Doo where everything in the end. We never find out about that the case with Ronin and I can not live without some information to be filled in Bournes past.To those who complain about incompatibility of the book and film, looking for help. There are probably few things that work in the book, which will either be boring and too much screen time to explain, or will be seen as a cliche of modern screen audiences. As I recall, I liked the book, and I definitely like this movie. I see a movie adaptation of the book as an interpretation rather than a translation from words to images anyway.As for realism, most of the scenes are unlikely to super-gadgets, is to be seen, not beautiful models fall madly in bed with Bourne and hero shows clear signs of physical vulnerability despite a very high level of training and competance. As someone who trained in martial arts for over 10 years, unrealistic fight scenes pet peeve. Fighting in Bournemouth is fast, nasty, and very realistic, while still fun for the layman. (And yes, with a gun away from a foolish man, which is well within your striking radius without getting shot is certainly doable, but I have serious doubts if we tested him with plastic dart guns in the dojo a few years ago). While not perfect, Bourne Identity, simply put, some departments on a typical spy movie. It focuses on the individual level, rather than their great political consequences that lends another layer of prestige, rather than detracting as some comments imply, because it remains a problem in an understandable human scale . Puzzles that remains is more secret Born of us, and I think it should be seen as a deliberate gaps as loose ends. The injustices are limited and the realism high as possible, while still spectacular enough to meet the expectations of the genre.