The Congress (2013)
Seeds: 150
Peers: 98
Torrent Details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2013
Genre: Animation, Action, Sci-Fi
Director: Ari Folman
Starring: Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Jon Hamm
Aging, out-of-work actress admits last job, although the consequences of her decisions affect her in ways she did not consider.
By Linda Winsh BolardIsraeli-director Ari Folman is best known for Waltz with Bashir, an animated film with questions.Dont moral expect anything similar.Congress is a loose application of a novel by Stanislaw Lem . Lem thought a society under a dictatorship, whether it be local or international vague films, where the ruling class who live in the real world and subject of most citizens of poverty and fear. Outstanding citizens spend their lives in a chemically induced dream. Their dream of being able to decide who and where they are, while their sub conscience is reacting to a chemical that carries them to the colorful world of fantasy combined dreams.Ari frame Fulman his film the full story Aging actress Robin Wright (he same sound), after quite lucky break, is the number of bad and irresponsible choices and ended up with a few options. Robin, who has two children, a daughter and ambitious disabled child, decided to leave the study to analyze their images to be used in all kinds of computer generated films.Some Robin twenty years after driving his Porsche Cayman in a desert to enter Abrahama City, a city where everyone, with the help of a small vial of chemicals, it becomes an animated character, some of them, some others. Their reality is actually chemically induced only their sense of adventure world.The ends badly and Robin are frozen to be revived when the technology becomes available to help. That takes decades and when he is awake, the world is a colorful film follows an idea comics.The Lem's vaguely, but there is a dark side, real after this film was very chatty painting.The. Especially when the characters are in the real world, the longer monologues and dialogues, explanations and often had to be cut down.Stripped lems of color and vision of the future, the story becomes a journey of a mother dedicated to his son disabilities. Robin seems to expect that all should bow to his demands to be with her children and stay with her son. I have found that unrealistic. Robins and expectations also written self-obsession with the sacrifice of a Lady, capitalization intended.It annoyed me, Robin so clearly meant to be so special for many, when I could not find anything special about him. I'm so tired of the story of the poor, the lucky ones who had trouble managing their luck. ? They would rather be poor and unknown lems philosophy of the dictatorship that keeps people in line by feeding them drug induced dream is too complicated: the film says that once the chemical is inhaled, the person ceases to exist in the real world, in this case, the bodies disappear? It directly murder, Robin is back with another chemical, so what is it? There is no shortage of workers in the real world, so much cease to exist? To decide to stay and suffer poverty, helplessness and hard work? Why? And why dictators use chemicals? You can reduce the enemy, but make it difficult to run a company with few people able it.About half of the film is action, half animated. The acting, the film is full of stars, it is generally good, though, as I said, the lines tricky, cruel and unnecessary crowd sounds, ut the actors manage them better than Most do .. Robin is the far and distant, his agent (Harvey Keitel), an old manipulator, Paul Giamatti your doctor aware of these and more. I heard that Tom Cruise Starring absent Evant Ferrante lost his part.The best animation film is colorful, resonant, pop and adds to the confusion in the mood for Avatar. Number of characters parading on the screen seems to only play in the background of Robin and his followers.Exploring mind power and politics gets largely lost in all this. Still, if you want the combination of animation and action, science fiction and conspiracy, it can work for you.Directed by: Ari Folman Written: Stanislaw Lem (novel), Ari Folman (application), camera : Michal Englert Stars: Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Jon Hamm, Paul Giamatti, Danny Huston and other